On Wednesday, February 20th at 8 PM the NYPD's Community Affairs Bureau will be in Woodhaven to discuss the Blockwatcher program. So far, the Woodhaven Residents' Block Association has signed up over 50 residents who are interested in making our community better and safer. Here is a map of Woodhaven with approximate locations of Blockwatchers --
Is your block covered? A Blockwatcher can report anything suspicious within the confines of the precinct -- but everyone is more likely to see and notice suspicious activity that takes place closer to their home.
How is your section of Woodhaven covered? Hopefully you aren't waiting for someone else to volunteer.
Do you feel the neighborhood could be safer? Well, what are you waiting for? Sign up now!
You will not be asked to go on patrol. You will not be asked to confront anyone. You are merely signing up to take a training course, a few hours of your time -- and then you will be given an ID Number to use when calling in suspicious activity. Please consider filling out an application now (click here for an application).
At the very least, we ask you to come donw on the 20th to hear what the program is about.
Wednesday, February 20th at 8 PM at the Woodhaven-Richmond Hill Volunteer Ambulance Corps.
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