For the past few months, students at St. Thomas the Apostle have immersed themselves in the history of Woodhaven -- and the end result will be a film about our community's rich and interesting history. The students have written and produced storyboards on their own, using "The Story of Woodhaven and Ozone Park" by Vincent Seyfried as their primary reference guide. 20 copies of this wonderful history book were donated to St. Thomas the Apostle by the Woodhaven Cultural & Historical Society for use in this project. The students have titled the film "Woodhaven: Diverse Backgrounds United in One History," which examines all of their different heritages against the backdrop of their shared heritage. And here is the exciting news:
The film will be premiered on Monday, June 10th at 6 PM at the Cinemart Movie Theater - on Metropolitan Avenue in Forest Hills.
The filmmakers have done their due diligence and we are very excited to see what they come up with. There are a number of other interviews on tap -- with a number of surprises mixed in with a number of very familiar names and places. St. Thomas the Apostle has a very accomplished video program - click here to view their very active You Tube Channel.
Be A Part of Woodhaven History
It is our intention that this will be the first in a series of collaborations between the Woodhaven Cultural & Historical Society and local schools -- in order for that to happen, we need this project to be a success. To defray some of the costs associated with this project, we need supporters and sponsors. This is a wonderful opportunity to support an educational and fun experience for the students of a school right here in Woodhaven. If you would like to see more such project, please consider becoming a supporter and sponsor. We have created 4 different sponsor options --
Sponsorship Options --
Booster -
For $25.00 you will get 2 tickets to the premiere and your name listed
as a Project Booster in the special program that will be handed out to
all theatergoers (and published on Project Woodhaven).
Sponsor - For $50.00 you will get 2 tickets to the premiere.
Your name (or business name) will be listed in the special program as a
Sponsor, and you can add up to 3 lines of text beneath your name.
Advertise your business or just pass along a greeting to the residents
of Woodhaven! Your name (or business name) will also be displayed in a list of sponsors on the big screen during the pre-movie slide show of old images of Woodhaven.
Gold Sponsor - For $75.00 you will get 2 tickets to the premiere.
Your name will be listed in the special program as a Gold Sponsor, and you
can add up to 4 lines of text beneath your name, which will appear in a box by itself. And during the
pre-movie slide show of old images of Woodhaven, you will get an entire
slide to yourself. Plaster a giant sized photo of you, your family,
your business -- whatever you want -- up on the silver screen!
Platinum Sponsor - Anyone that donates the maximum, $125.00, will get 2 tickets to the premiere
and all of the same goodies that the Gold Sponsor gets. But you will
also get 2 free tickets to a pre-film (5 PM to 6 PM) courtesy buffet of
Panini sandwiches, wraps, pizzas, salads, spinach pies, juices, coffees,
teas, cappuccinos, café lattes, smoothies, and hot chocolate.
sure to include your contact information so we can work with you on the
lines of text, the giant slides, etc. The deadline for becoming a
sponsor is Wednesday, June 5th.
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