The 102nd Precinct is working with the Woodhaven Residents' Block Association to help protect your valuables through Operation ID.

Operation Identification is offered free of charge by the New York City Police Department. The program involves engraving an identifiable serial number with the letters NYC on all portable valuables such as computers, fax machines, copiers, etc. and registering only the number and the owners name and address with the Police Department.
- The marked property is more difficult for a thief to sell.
- Stolen property in the possession of a thief is easily traceable to its rightful owner.
- Found property can easily be identified and returned to the rightful owner.
When? Saturday, April 27th from 10 AM until 2 PM.
Where? 84-20 Jamaica Avenue (the offices of the WRBA).
Bonus: Besides registering electronics, cell phones and bicycles in the Operation ID program you will be able to register your autos in the HEAT and CAT programs; and set up appointments to have your car VIN Etched.
When you register for these programs you will get a decal which will be affixed to your vehicle's rear window. The Combat Auto Theft (CAT) yellow sticker means that the car is generally not used between 1AM and 5AM -- if the NYPD sees a car with that sticker on the road between those hours, the NYPD can stop that vehicle.
There is a CAT Program for Commuters -- same idea except the yellow sticker has a black border -- and this means the car is generally parked between 10AM and 4PM.
Majority of persons arrested for auto theft are typically under 25 years of age. To register in the Help End Auto Theft (HEAT) program you must be over 40 years old. You will sign a waiver that no persons under 25 years old will be driving your vehicle and you will get a bright RED sticker. By registering with this program you give the policve the right to stop the auto anytime a person apparently under the age of 25 is operating it.

VIN Etching
You will also be able to make an appointment to get your vehicle etched -- it's a fast and easy process -- and the 102 will make an appointment to come to your house to do it.
- The auto's vehicle identification number is etched onto all of the vehicles glass.
- Serves to deter theft and trace the stolen parts.
If you have any questions, feel free to drop us a line at [email protected] or call 718-296-3735 and leave a message.
NEXT TOWN HALL: The next Town Hall meeting of the WRBA will be held 4/20 at 1 PM at the Ambulance Corps.
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